Friday, October 31, 2008

First Day on "The Pill"

So took my first Provigil today.  Wow, lots of energy and focused like you wouldn't believe.  Got tons of work done and we stopped early for a Halloween party!  Good stuff but just a stop gap.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Smart Pill

So I read this article in Men's Journal about this drug Provigil, made from the compound Modafinil.  It's prescribed for Shift Work Sleep Disorder, Narcolepsy and Sleep Apnea, which I have.  It is supposed to make you alert but not jumpy; matter of fact, the MJ article claims that 200mg can actually have positive cognitive effects.  (Read: supposedly it makes you smarter.)  The Navy gives its pilots Provigil to its pilots as a "Go Pill" to keep them sharp.

Now I don't know about that, but I could use some energy.  I am dragging by 3pm.  I am not getting restful sleep. So I saw a doctor and asked him about it and he gave me a script.

I'll let you guys know what happens...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Arabs, Lies and Videotape

So here we are again.  

Barack Obama is caught praising a controversial figure and the liberal media is giving him a pass.  Heck, this time the L.A. Times is covering for him.

So Barack Obama is at a retirement bash for Palestinian "activist" and so-called "scholar" Rashid Khalidi.  (What did he teach, Bomb Making 101 and Israeli Extermination 200?)  So Obama and the first fist bumper (Michelle) attend this event while Khalidi speaks of exterminating the Zionist movement.  Oh yeah, and Bill Ayres (Mr/ Weather Underground and the guy Obama said that he would see occasionally in the 'hood) was there too.  Terrorists stick together, you know.

Long story short.  L.A. Times holding the tape; won't show it.  Claiming they can't leave their source out to dry.  Mmmm hmmm.  Riiiiight.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

$200 for your guns!

A Harlem, NY church is once again running a program aimed at "getting guns off the street."  It works like this: you bring a gun to the church, they give you $200.  No questions asked.

Hmmm.  Great idea.

What they accomplished was giving criminals (yep, criminals) $200 for a gun that's worth $50.  Hey, maybe they can put that $200 towards the gun they REALLY want.  

Good idea, reverend.  Why not send them off with a vial of crack, too?  Ohhh there's an idea.  Have them bring in their drugs and give them $200 for them?  Why limit this idea to just guns?  Kiddie porn!  Explosives!

Come on. 

We're heading into 2009...

...and Wal-Mart introduces layaway.

Yep, that's right.  Layaway as in layaway from the 1950s.  Layaway as in pay for an item a little at a time, and when you pay enough, you get the item.

Apparently, things are so bad now that, as we head into 2009, we're reverting back to layaway.  They're running ads on it as I type this little missive.  I expect to see ads next for avocado-colored rotary phones and boxes of Calgon (Calgon, take me awayyyyyy!!).

Give me a break.  I know that people that shop at Wal-Mart see this as a benefit.  But to the rest of us?  Panic.  And now is not the time to appear as though we're panicking.  Now is the time to project confidence in the SPIRIT of the American people.  The PASSION of people who doggedly pursue their piece of the American dream.

Look, not to politicize this post, but it is clear that there's a candidate that wants to re-instill passion in the American people.  Give them confidence to be bold.  There are some qualities that I really respect in people.  Strength. Accountability. Passion. 

In Barack Obama's world, there are two kinds of people: the poor and those who need to take care of the poor.  I am sure Obama thinks bringing layaway back is a pretty good idea.  I think that he wants to bring programs like layaway back from the dead.  You see, Obama does not want people to have wealth.  He wants everything to be equitable.  It's why he thinks $250k is rich and why we should raise capital gains taxes, raise YOUR taxes.

Aye...I think I am all over the place with this post.  My point is let's not go back to the 50s to get programs to fix today's problems.  Look, the stock market is cyclical.  There's nothing you can do to stop these problems from happening.

There's ways of making sure the subprime mortgage crisis never happens again.  And one way is to NOT PUT DEMOCRATS in charge.  Clinton's policies of loosening regulations and standards so minorities and poor people could buy houses was an AWFUL decision.  Cost close to two trillion dollars.

So I guess my point is, why do it again by electing Obama?  Because if you're not poor, you won't benefit under an Obama presidency and a congress with the lowest approval rating in history.

But hey, that's just me.

This is The Word of Roland.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Motley Crue: The Original Misogynists

Can we agree that Motley Crue were the original misogynists?

10 Seconds to Love

Bring a girlfriend; maybe bring two/
I got my camera, make a star outta you/
Let's inject it/
Photograph it/
Go down to the subway/
Let the younger boys have it

Back in the 80's we only had the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center, for you young 'uns). We didn't have NOW or any of those other groups that tried to skewer Eminem or today's rappers.

Is it too brash to infer that the Crue paved the way for these guys?  Even with 2LiveCrew or any of those punks. Granted this was never released as a single but damn, listening to it now, them's some craaaaazy lyrics!

Gay Marriage

I have no problems with gay marriage.  Seriously, if a gay man and a gay woman want to get married, what's the big deal?

In all seriousness...someone asked me today why I am against gay marriage.  It's got nothing to do with the Catholic Church.  If two people want to be together, be together.  But I don't know why I have to pay for it. 

Yes, that's right.

We pay for the clerks at City Hall.  We end up paying for insurance benefits as more people start claiming children and dependents.  We pay.

Come to think of it, the only group that stands to benefit from the legalization of gay marriage is LAWYERS.  You think that the 50% of all marriages end in divorce figure is for traditional couples only?

Someone asked me if I have something against gay people.  Well yeah, I do.  My neighbors were two ugly, fat lesbians.  TOTALLY ruined the girl-girl fantasy for me.  So in a way, yes, I am a bit biased.

A guy that I was discussing this with - OK arguing with - said, "What's the big deal?  It's just a piece of paper!"


It's awesome being right.

Why I created this blog...

I am a giver.  It's true.  I like to share.  Too many times, brilliant things come to my mind.  But by the time I get to work, go though a day KICKING ASS in the PR world, the moment is gone.

No more.

This will serve as a place for me to rant and riff and share thoughts that come to my mind.  Random things.  Like, when you get something in the mail that says "Do Not Bend!" what's the first thing you do?  Bend it, right?  

I am mostly id, part ego, and completely unfiltered.  That part of the brain that says, "hmmm maybe I shouldn't say that" - yeah I wasn't given that part.  Actually, if I am at work or with a client, then yes - I am more reserved and professional.  But if you've ever been around me, you know that sooner or later I'll say the thing that will make you love me or want to punch me in the face.

That's me.  

This is the Word of Roland.

Busted Hymen Post

Yep, this is the first post.