Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gonzo TV Ads...

So, Holiday Inn Express has a great new TV ad. Wait, did I say great? I meant grating. I have no idea how, in this economy, this budget hotel chain could approve this new ad. It makes NO sense, it's not funny and it basically is a few million dollars (in ad time creative, ad buy, etc.) to try and be funny (it's not) in telling you that Holiday Inn offers the same crappy breakfast of runny eggs, greasy sausage, stale bread and warm milk that other chains do.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just call it "It."

OK so the thing that was a girl but had both sex organs and turned itself into a guy is "pregnant" again.

Remember that old Blur song?

Girls who want boys /
Who like boys to be girls /
Who do boys like they're girls /
Who do girls like they're boys...

First of all, let's please stop calling it "him."  Just call it "It."  If it was born a girl and no longer chooses to BE a girl, it doesn't automatically become a boy.  I don't care if you sew on a cock and feed it hormones.  It's still just It.

Does this sound harsh?  Well it is, but it's how I feel.  Look, you are not a guy. You are pregnant.  You have a uterus. You are a WOMAN.  But if I hear ONE MORE MEDIA OUTLET call it a man, I am going to scream.  This is NOT the case of a man getting pregnant.  It is the case of a girl who likes to PRETEND it is a guy.

What is this world coming to??????

Thursday, November 13, 2008

One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest...

I used to get a flu shot at my last job, when they were free.  I was there for five years and I think I got the flu three out of the five years.  So I dunno - I don't think I am gonna get a flu shot this year.  What good does it really do?  There's so many strains now, it doesn't even make a difference.

Plus sharing the subway with the animals that are on that bacteria-laden will be a miracle if the ONLY thing I get is the flu.  Yuck.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Paul Newman...

Being 35, the only thing about Paul Newman that I knew is that he was in that pool movie with Tom Cruise and that, inexplicably, later in in life, he decided to make salsa and pasta sauce.

Well there's a great story in this month's Men's Journal about Paul Newman.  You should check it out.

A Taxing Situation for Obama...

He said it over and over again throughout his campaign and reiterated it again [on Monday]: President Elect Barack Hussein Obama plans to raise the top tax bracket – the “ultra rich” – in order to redistribute the wealth. Yep, if you make more than $250,000 a year, congratulations: you’re rich? Don’t feel rich? Join the club.

This year when people were getting their $600 stimulus checks, I got an adjusted check for just over ten bucks. It seems that I am too “wealthy” to get a check. And where most of those who received their “rebate” (read: handout) used it to pay down debt, people like me would have actually SPENT it and put it into the marketplace. My ass would have went down to the John Varvatos store on Bowery and bought a pair of shoes, jeans and a shirt. Bye-bye $600. It’s that easy.

But no, if you made more than $75,000 there was no rebate for you. So before you even get excited about Obama’s “95 percent of workers will get a tax cut” bullshit, consider this: in some of his first comments on how to jumpstart the economy, Obama talked about money for welfare, extending unemployment benefits and bailing out the auto industry. He also talked about his pledge to let the “Bush tax cuts” expire in 2010. He is then going to lift the top income bracket to nearly 40 percent AND increase capital gains tax.

Bad idea. Let me tell you why…

Wealthy people can feel taxes too. I don’t care if you make $200,000 or $2,000,000, you will feel that hit. Do you think that these people are going to say “Oh, well. What can you do?” No. Traditionally, and even more so today, this is what will happen if the rich get taxed like never before.

They will spend less on goods and services. The new car will have to wait; ditto for these home improvements. They also might lay off some staff. Yes, it’s belt tightening time. Think this doesn’t affect you? If the everyday person starts to watch spending, you won’t see a blip. If the RICH start to spend less, you WILL see it. It affects everything from retail sales to consumer confidence. That’s bad news for the economy as a whole.  I mean, the government spent about a trillion dollars on "stimulus" packages - i.e. trying to GIVE people money to spend.  Why then would you take away money from those that actually SPEND it on goods and services?

They give less to charity. Yep, that’s right. In times of economic upheaval, the rich will put the brakes on charitable giving.   So charities will also feel the brunt.

They spend less on luxury goods.  Yeah, you're saying "what do I care?" right?  Well someone has to make fancy tennis racquets and watches and clothes. Less companies manufacturing goods means slower growth. 

They will delay new home purchases.  HELLO!?!?  The WHOLE REASON we are in this mess is because Bill Clinton and the Democrats decided that minorities deserved to be home owners, whether they could afford it or not.  Yeah, thanks Bill.  But the more and more people delay home purchases the worse this crisis is going to get.  And guess what wealthy - truly wealthy - people LOVE to do?  BUY HOUSES!  Tax them at 40 percent and guess what they will do?

They will play it conservative in the stock market.  Just when you need some stability in the stock market, you're going to raise capital gains taxes?   Great idea.  In turn, the wealthy will put their money into safer investments: T-bills, gold...not exactly the prescription for growth, is it?

Since Obama got elected thanks to these blue collar dullards in places like Ohio and Wisconsin, he needs to start creating manufacturing jobs.  First, that is NOT where you want to see growth.  You want to encourage children to excel in math, sciences.  But if you concern yourself with the WRONG KIND of job creation, you'll have a whole bunch of goods and no one to buy them!

And finally...

Windfall tax on oil companies.  Worst idea ever.  Companies exist for one reason: to MAKE MONEY and benefit shareholders.  That's it.  Here you have someone - um, a PRESIDENT, wanting to TAX an industry because it is doing what it SHOULD DO - MAKE MONEY!!! Duh!  And if you think that those unions that the Dems love so much are going to benefit from tactics like this...then the unions should check and see what COMPANIES their pension funds are invested in....want to bet you'll see ExxonMobil there?  BP?  Shell?

So go ahead, Obama - tax the rich.  Let's see where we are a few years from now.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Boy I have been delinquent as of late. But don't worry - I have a real f'ing life, people.

Had a great time on Saturday with some friends from HIGH SCHOOL. Some vastly different, some sadly (or happily, depending on how you look at it) the same.

Way too much was consumed and it's been a good decade that I've been three sheets to the wind like Sunday was a re-coup day.

My girlfriend Yvonne made me TOTALLY realize what Eric Clapton was talking about in Wonderful Tonight...

It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head/
So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed/
And then I tell her, as I turn out the light/
I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight.

I am one lucky guy, let me tell you.

Anyway, more later this week on Obama's early jump on trying to turn the U.S. into a welfare state.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One Hussein is brought down, and another comes into power...

Unfortunately Obama's the President for the next four years. I think Barack Hussein Obama is going to be the penultimate President!

If you like Hillary, you’re hoping for some big flops that she can seize on, but they would have to be HUGE. Not looking good for her.

The real losers: the wealthy. But wait, before you say “I’m not wealthy” you better ask yourself: what does OBAMA consider wealthy? Guess what, in his eyes, you probably are.

Tax increases are coming. He can’t do what he says he’ll do AND give a tax cut to “95% of workers.” Impossible. Taxes from the .28 bracket and up will go up.

It’s up to the Democrats now. They have the president and an overwhelming majority in the senate (lowest rated senate in history). Let’s see what they do.

In the good news, Newt Gingrich is going to be the next president of the RNC. Good. We need him to get us on course. McCain didn’t want to play the Wright/Rezko/Khalidi/Ayres (Jesus, how many racists, anti-semites, corrupt doners and terrorists can this guy associate with?!?!)

Another BIG loser. Israel. Why do you think the LA Times didn’t release the tape of Obama at the farewell party for Rashid Khalidi? Maybe because he applauded while Khalidi talked about big, bad Israel and how the Palestinians need to step up their “Intifada.” Israel is going to hear three words from an American president that he has not heard in 20 years: restraint, unlawful and stop. i.e. The U.S. demands that Israel shows immediate restraint in it’s unlawful actions. Vicious attacks against Palestinians must stop.

It’s going to be a long four years.